Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Almost To Ghana


Today I received an email that had a title of "Almost to Ghana". This made my heart race because it meant that in 14 days, exactly two weeks, I will start my traveling to my home stay in Ghana. I having been dreaming about traveling to Africa since I was little and now that it is becoming a reality, possibilities seem endless.

When people ask each other about their summer plans it is commonly about working or taking classes, so when the question is directed to me and people hear that I am doing a Social Work internship in Ghana, Africa, I get gasps because they are so surprised. When I get these shocked reactions it gets me even more excited to embark on this adventure and this amazing learning experience.

My placement is in Cape Coast Ghana through an organization called ProWorld, which will help me learn a great amount about my future job as a social worker. I will not only learn about social work but also a whole different way of living. Being in a different culture will allow me to treasure the unique characteristics between all cultures and live in different way that I am used to.

As the email added a packing list and said see you soon, I realized there is a lot to be done and I should start investing my time in packing and preparing.

Until next time,
